BTL Vanquish™


From the makers of BTL EMSCULPT® muscle building, BTL Vanquish™ is a revolutionary fat reduction treatment available at our Monmouth County, NJ location and has been featured on the Dr. Oz Show and The View!


What is the Vanquish Procedure?

Vanquish is a non-contact radio frequency (RF) device that delivers Selective RF™ energy in a controlled manner to deep tissue.


What is unique about this procedure?

The revolutionary technology behind the Vanquish system selectively heats stubborn cells just enough to allow for cell breakdown, transforming them into waste, which may encourage the body to begin to naturally flush away and may reduce from the body.* 


What problem areas does the Vanquish System target?

Specifically designed to redefine your core, Vanquish may help treat the problematic mid-section by targeting deep tissue layers without damage to your skin or surrounding muscle tissue.


Will I need more than one treatment?

Vanquish system requires a series of 45-minute treatments administered weekly. One of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons will discuss your specific treatment needs and devise a plan to target those concerns.


How long until I see results?

Results can vary from person to person. Some of our patients may see results as early as 3 weeks after their first treatment, most patients can expect to see results a few weeks after their final treatment.


Is there any downtime after my procedure?

There is NO DOWN TIME associated with your Vanquish treatments. Other than a brief period of warmth, redness and minor swelling you can get back to your daily routine immediately. Your overall treatment plan will be developed by one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons and each treatment will be monitored for optimal use.


Listen to Dr. Asaad H. Samra discuss BTL VANQUISH™.


Listen to one of our patient's experiences!



BTL Vanquish™ In The News:

To book a consultation with one of our five board-certified plastic surgeons, please call 732.739.3033